Wednesday, February 11, 2015

#lose fat not muscle!!~Remove All Kinds Of Myth!!~Just Lose Your Fat and Live Happily.

If. you. think. that. belly. fat. is. just. an. issue. for. people. who. are. overweight,. think. again. --. even. people. who. are. at. a. healthy. weight. and. exercise. regularly. can. have. it.. There's. no. such. thing. as. a. "perfect". body,. so. what's. the. big. deal. if. your. stomach. isn't. flat?. It. isn't. just. a. problem. of. aesthetics..

Where. you. gain. fat. and. how. easy. it. is. to. lose. belly. fat. is. partly. down. to. genetics.. Our. genes. help. determine. how. many. fat. cells. we. have. and. where. these. fat. cells. are. stored.. Most. men. preferentially. deposit. fat. in. their. abdominal. area,. this. is. due. to. the. action. of. male. hormone. testosterone.. The. stress. hormone,. cortisol. also. encourages. belly. fat.. Women. tend. to. deposit. fat. on. the. hips,. thighs. and. buttocks,. which. is. down. to. the. effects. of. the. female. hormone,. estrogen.. For. this. reason,. a. woman’s. body. shape. changes. and. belly. fat. increases. after. the. menopause. when. estrogen. levels. decrease.. Though. men. tend. to. have. more. belly. fat. than. women,. men. generally. lose. belly. fat. faster. as. a. result. of. regular. exercise.There. are. two. types. of. fat:. visceral. and. subcutaneous.. Visceral. fat. is. the. kind. that. lies. far. below. the. surface,. surrounding. your. organs.. Subcutaneous. fat. is. just. below. the. skin. and. can. be. easily. grabbed.. You. can. spot. visceral. fat. via. an. MRI. or. CT. scan,. but. there's. a. simple. test. for. it. at. home:. If. you. have. a. large. waistline. or. you're. apple-shaped,. you. likely. have. visceral. belly. fat.

While. neither. type. of. fat. is. good,. visceral. belly. fat. carries. some. serious. health. risks.. According. to. the. U.S.. Department. of. Health. and. Human. Services,. you're. at. risk. if. you. have. a. waistline. greater. than. 40. inches. if. you're. a. man. and. 35. inches. if. you're. a. woman. (a. lower. threshold. of. 35. inches. for. men. and. 31. inches. for. women. has. been. recommended. by. the. World. Health. Organization. for. people. of. Asian. ethnicity).. We. aren't. entirely. sure. why,. but. belly. fat. is. linked. to. increased. insulin. resistance,. which. can. result. in. type. II. diabetes.. It. can. also. lead. to. heart. disease,. stroke,. some. types. of. cancer,. sleep. apnea. and. premature. bone. density. loss,. and. there's. even. evidence. that. it. may. be. a. factor. in. developing. dementia.

So. what. causes. belly. fat?. Heredity. is. one. factor.. Belly. fat. has. often. been. called. "middle-aged. spread". because. as. you. age. and. your. metabolism. slows. down,. extra. pounds. tend. to. accumulate. across. the. stomach.. This. is. probably. due. to. changes. in. levels. of. hormones. such. as. cortisol,. which. is. made. in. the. adrenal. glands. and. helps. the. body. process. glucose,. regulate. metabolism. and. manage. stress.. Speaking. of. stress,. it. can. raise. levels. of. cortisol,. so. it. might. lead. to. increased. belly. fat,. too.
Your. body. shape. also. affects. how. easily. you. lose. belly. fat:
. . . . Pear-shaped:. smaller. upper. body. than. lower. body.. You. will. find. it. easier. to. boast. flat,. defined. abs,. as. the. hardest. place. for. you. to. lose. body. fat. is. from. the. lower. body.. The. easiest. place. to. lose. weight. is. from. your. upper. body.
. . . . Inverted-triangle:. bigger. upper. body. than. lower. body.. You. carry. most. of. your. fat. in. your. trunk. and. arms.. Therefore,. losing. belly. fat. is. harder. and. achieving. low. level. of. body. fat. in. the. abdomen. more. difficult.. Also,. this. body. shape. is. the. most. likely. to. have. high. levels. of. deep. belly. fat. (visceral. fat).. For. this. reason,. losing. belly. fat. is. particularly. important.


Basically. this. is. caused. by. eating. the. wrong. foods,. consuming. too. many. calories. and/. or. insufficient. exercise.. You. probably. also. are. carrying. extra. weight. around. your. hips. and. legs.. Losing. belly. fat. is. pretty. straightforward,. but. does. require. a. lifestyle. overhaul.. You. need. to. implement. a. diet. that. will. help. you. lose. belly. fat. and. regular. exercise. to. burn. fat. and. strengthen. your. abs.. Read. about. which. foods. you. should. be. avoiding. and. which. ones. will. help. you. quickly. lose. that. belly.


The. stress. hormone. known. as. cortisol,. promotes. fat. to. be. deposited. in. the. belly. area.. High. levels. of. cortisol. are. linked. with. greater. amounts. of. belly. fat.. Alcohol,. smoking. and. caffeine. all. increase. cortisol. levels.. Read. more. about. which. type. of. diet. will. help. reduce. cortisol. levels.


Post. pregnancy. the. uterus. is. heavier. than. pre-pregnancy. causing. the. uterus. to. drop.. The. uterus. does. return. to. its. pre-pregnancy. size,. but. takes. about. 6. weeks. to. do. so.. Also,. pregnancy. splits. the. abdominal. muscles. (the. linea. alba. muscle. separates). down. the. middle.. Therefore,. it’s. not. even. worth. thinking. about. aiming. for. flat. abs. until. that. process. is. complete. and. stay. clear. of. crunches,. as. they. will. force. these. muscles. farther. apart.. Don’t. rush. into. exercising,. give. yourself. at. least. 2. –. 3. months. before. exercising. to. get. back. into. shape.. Always. speak. to. your. doctor. or. midwife. before. starting. an. exercise. program,. particularly. if. you’ve. had. a. caesarean. section.. It. is. essential. to. ensure. your. abdominal. muscles. have. healed. before. starting. vigorous. exercises.o. get. back. your. pre-pregancy. body,. you. need. re-train. and. strengthen. your. pelvic. floor. muscles. and. your. deepest. tummy. muscle. layer. (transversus. abdominus).. The. pelvic. floor. muscles. help. to. stabilize. the. pelvis. and. support. the. organs. of. the. lower. abdominal. cavity,. including. the. bladder. and. uterus.. Pelvic. floor. strengthening. exercises. known. as. Kegels. (named. after. Dr.. Kegel). generally. recommended. for. strengthening. the. pelvic. floor.. The. transversus. abdominus. is. a. deep. abdominal. muscle. and. acts. as. a. corset,. pulling. you. in.. Exercises. targeting. the. transversus. abdominus. will. help. to. strength. your. core. and. flatten. your. belly,. by. pulling. it. in. from. the. inside. out.


You. know. you. have. a. bloated. belly,. if. it. starts. off. relatively. flat. in. the. morning,. but. grows. larger. throughout. the. day. with. gas. or. indigestion.. Bloating. can. affect. you. irrespective. of. size,. you. may. be. slim. or. overweight.. Your. belly. may. be. bloated. due. to. food. intolerances,. sluggish. bowels. as. a. result. of. a. poor. diet. or. a. relatively. unknown,. but. probably. common. condition. called. Small. intestinal. bacterial. overgrowth. (SIBO).. SIBO. is. when. there. are. abnormally. high. levels. of. bacteria. in. the. small. intestine,. especially. the. type. of. bacteria. usually. found. in. the. colon. (large. intestine). than. the. small. intestine.. Basically,. there. are. two. problems. (1). too. much. bacteria. and. (2). the. wrong. type. of. bacteria. in. the. wrong. place.. The. symptoms. of. SIBO. include. excess. gas,. abdominal. bloating. and. distension,. diarrhea. (less. frequently. constipation). and. abdominal. pain.. It. is. thought. that. many. people. labelled. with. Irritable. Bowel. Syndrome. (IBS),. are. in. fact. suffering. with. SIBO.


There. are. several. factors. that. increase. the. likelihood. of. developing. excess. deep. belly. fat,. including:

•. . . . Male. gender
•. . . . Post-menopausal. women
•. . . . Obesity
•. . . . Sedentary. lifestyle
•. . . . Smoking
•. . . . Heavy. drinking. (3. or. more. drinks. per. day. for. men,. 2. or. more. drinks. for. women)
•. . . . Chronically. high. stress. levels
•. . . . Poor. diet,. particularly. if. high. total. fat,. saturated. fat. and. refined. carbohydrates.

You. may. want. to. lose. a. few. kilos. of. belly. fat. fast. for. a. special. occasion. like. a. wedding. or. reunion. of. sorts.. If. you're. trying. to. lose. belly. fat. in. five. days,. there. are. some. things. you. can. do. to. achieve. your. goal. naturally. without. the. use. of. drugs.
Reduce. the. amount. of. carbohydrates. in. your. diet.. Carbohydrates. your. body. swell,. especially. starchy. carbohydrates. like. pasta. and. potatoes.. Carbohydrates. also. flood. your. body. with. insulin. after. they. are. consumed,. which. interferes. with. your. body's. ability. to. burn. fat.. Instead. of. carbohydrates,. eat. lean. meats. such. as. chicken,. fish. and. lean. beef.. Add. green. vegetables. such. as. broccoli,. spinach. or. a. small. salad.. For. breakfast,. instead. of. a. bagel. or. cereal,. enjoy. a. two-egg. omelet. with. fresh. vegetables. and. some. fresh. fruit. for. nutrients.

Avoid. alcohol.. Alcohol. your. body. stores. as. fat.. This. also. stops. the. metabolism. of. fat. until. it. can. be. removed. from. the. body. by. the. liver.. Because. your. liver. is. instrumental. in. the. process. of. burning. fat,. can. not. process. while. busy. cleaning. alcohol. in. your. body.. In. addition,. any. food. you. eat. while. you. consume. alcohol. will. be. stored. as. fat. until. the. liver. can. eliminate. alcohol. and. regain. responsibility. for. fat. burning.

Make. interval. training. HIIT. or. high. intensity.. This. is. a. training. method. where. you. do. aerobic. exercise,. such. as. jogging,. but. you. add. a. twist.. For. example,. after. stretching. and. warming. up,. you. start. trotting. about. 50. percent. of. the. effort. for. 30. seconds.. Once. the. 30. seconds. have. passed,. you. run. as. fast. as. you. can. for. 30. seconds.. After. being. run. for. 30. seconds,. you. return. to. your. jogging. pace. for. another. 30. seconds.. Repeat. this. process. until. you. have. jogged. and. ran. five. times.. After. the. fifth. session. run,. jog. for. 30. seconds,. then. walk. five. minutes. to. allow. your. muscles. to. cool. properly.. HIIT. differs. from. regular. exercise,. as. it. will. increase. your. metabolism. and. keep. it. elevated. for. several. hours,. which. burns. more. fat. throughout. the. day.. Try. to. do. your. HIIT. in. the. morning. every. day. to. burn. fat. all. day.

If. you. are. looking. down. and. tone. your. abdomen,. there. are. better. ways. to. do. instead. of. just. trying. to. do. crunches.. In. fact,. research. has. shown. that. abdominal. exercises. on. their. own,. even. when. done. five. days. a. week. for. six. weeks,. have. no. effect. at. all. on. stored. fat,. nor. in. the. abdominal. circumference.. In. an. article. in. Forbes. Magazine,. Jennifer. Cohen. advised. to. use. strategies. to. burn. cortisol.. Cortisol. is. the. hormone. that. reduces. body. lean. muscle. and. fat. stored. in. the. abdominal. region.. One. of. the. most. important. ways. to. help. this. process. to. occur. is. to. reduce. the. stress. in. your. life,. because. stress. causes. cortisol. levels. to. rise.. Cohen. also. speaks. detail. of. a. number. of. strategies. that. help. reduce. cortisol. levels,. as. follows..

As. an. example,. a. couple. of. years,. researchers. at. the. University. of. Chicago. found. that. people. who. were. dieting. and. slept. for. 8.5. hours. lost. 55. percent. more. body. fat. within. two. weeks. all. those. who. were. made. diets. but. only. slept. 5.5. hours. per. night.
But. the. master. key. is. actually. feeding,. followed. closely. by. the. type. of. exercise. you. do.
About. 80. percent. of. its. ability. to. reduce. excess. body. fat. is. determined. by. what. you. eat,. the. remaining. 20. percent. is. related. to. exercise. and. other. lifestyle. habits. healthy,. such. as. sleep. and. reducing. stress. life.. What. this. means. is. that. if. your. diet. is. based. on. processed. foods. and. sugar. /. fructose,. your. chances. of. having. a. flat. stomach,. even. if. you. exercise. a. lot,. very. few. ...

Reduce. or. eliminate. sugar. from. your. diet.. This. includes. ALL. forms. of. sugar. and. fructose,. whether. refined. or. "one. hundred. percent. natural". as. agave. and. honey,. as. well. as. grains. (including. organic). because. the. grains. are. converted. to. sugar. in. your. body.. . Increase. consumption. of. healthy. fats. in. your. diet,. such. as. healthy. saturated. fats. and. omega-3. fats. of. animal. origin.. One. of. the. most. pernicious. nutritional. influences. in. their. weight. loss. goals. is. fructose,. which. is. hidden. in. many. processed. foods. and. beverages,. it. is. virtually. impossible. to. avoid. unless. you. change. your. habits. to. buy. and. cook.. Avoid. processed. foods. in. general. and. replacing. them. with. whole. organic. foods. grown. locally. and. cooked. at. home. can. be. one. of. the. biggest. obstacles. in. food. today.
Once. was. responsible. for. feeding,. exercise. can. actually. start. making. magic. in. their. physical. and. help. you. lose. fat. even. faster.. The. trick. to. achieving. a. flat. stomach. is. to. incorporate. the. appropriate. type. of. exercises.

The. exercises. of. high. intensity. intervals. are. the. center. of. my. routine. Peak. Fitness.. This. protocol. of. high. intensity. exercise. improves. utilization. and. expenditure. of. muscular. energy. due. to. its. positive. effects. on. the. increase. in. body. mass. and. improving. the. quality. of. the. muscle. fiber.. Muscle. tissue. burns. three. to. five. times. faster. than. fat. tissue,. so. as. you. gain. muscle,. your. metabolic. rate. increases,. allowing. you. to. burn. more. calories. even. when. you. sleep.. In. addition,. many. studies. have. confirmed. that. exercise. with. short. bursts. and. rest. periods. between. each. blast. burn. much. more. fat. than. the. type. of. continuous. exercise.. In. fact,. you. can. lose. more. weight. by. reducing. the. amount. of. time. you. spend. exercising,. because. when. you. exercise. with. high. intensity. intervals. you. only. need. 20. minutes. two. or. three. times. a. week.. If. you. make. more. could. be. exceeded.
Although. abdominal. exercises. may. not. help. reduce. body. fat,. can. provide. significant. benefits. and. should. not. be. overlooked.. Your. abs. are. part. of. the. 29. muscles. in. your. body,. of. which. most. are. in. the. back,. abdomen. and. pelvis.. This. group. of. muscles. are. the. basis. for. the. motion. and. strengthen. your. entire. body. can. help. protect. and. strengthen. your. back,. making. her. less. prone. to. injuries. and. help. them. become. more. stability. and. balance. spine. and. body.

When. you. work. your. abs,. is. to. develop. an. internal. corset. that. keeps. your. gut. instead.. By. doing. so,. you. help. stabilize. your. spine,. vertebrae. and. disks,. which. in. turn. can. significantly. reduce. back. pain. and. make. it. easier. lifting,. turning,. make. moves. needed. for. daily. life.. At. present,. have. a. strong. abdomen. is. increasingly. important.

A. strong. abdominal. wall. is. also. what. makes. him. see. a. defined. abdomen,. type. sixpack. once. lost. enough. fat.. However,. conventional. crunches. are. not. the. best. type. of. exercise. when. it. comes. to. a. flat. and. well. defined. abdomen.

To. work. your. muscles,. you. must. incorporate. a. variety. of. stabilization. exercises,. functional. and. traditional.. A. study. by. Petrofsky. (2007). put. this. to. the. test. by. investigating. how. much. muscle. activity. is. generated. with. different. types. of. exercises. for. the. abdomen.

Abdominal. simple. traditional. made. in. the. floor. produced. a. very. small. amount. of. muscle. activity. when. participants. were. connected. to. a. machine. electromyography. (EMG).. This. does. not. mean. you. should. not. do. this. type. of. exercise,. but. must. be. combined. with. a. routine. to. strengthen. muscles.
This. could. include:

. . . . . Traditional. exercises. such. as. crunches. standard. rotation. or. rotation. with. one. hand
. . . . . Functional. exercises,. including. work. on. stability. ball
. . . . . Stabilization. exercises,. lie. on. the. floor. pulling. your. belly. toward. your. spine. and. maintain. that. position. while. breathing. deeply
. . . . . Extension. exercises,. lie. down. with. your. arms. extended. overhead.. Raise. your. arms. and. legs. simultaneously.. (Count. to. five. or. five. breaths. and. then. slowly. return. them. to. the. floor.)

The. popular. exercise. programs. that. work. the. core. muscles. are. available. everywhere. and. include. virtually. all. types. of. yoga. and. Pilates.. But. there. is. another. type. of. exercise. you. probably. have. not. taken. into. account:. the. lizards!. Yes,. lizards. not. only. give. strength. to. the. upper. body,. but. also. work. the. abdominal. muscles. -. as. long. as. done. correctly.. I. recommend. watching. the. video. where. Darin. Steen. shows. how,. but. will. also. include. a. summary. of. the. key. points. to. consider:
. Keep. your. body. stiff. and. straight. as. a. board
. Elbows. at. a. 45. degree. angle
. Inhale. and. exhale. as. you. lower
. Lower. your. body
. Breathe. and. upload. again
If. you. are. looking. to. have. some. abs. of. steel,. remember. to. eat. a. healthy. diet. as. step. one. and. step. two. is. to. find. a. comprehensive. exercise. program. and. work. with. exercises. that. strengthen. the. abdomen. and. to. help. you. achieve. the. desired. goal.
###Special:. For. Women…
Nothing. can. ruin. a. woman's. self-esteem. as. fast. as. that.
Stay. away. from. clothing. that. actually. want. to. wear.
You. can. make. it. a. nightmare. take. a. picture. .... because. you. have. to. find. the. perfect. angle. to. cover. these. "imperfections".
Believe. me,. I. know. what. it. feels.
Exercises. to. get. rid. of. belly. fat. low
You. may. think. that. your. abs. (crunches). and. torso. twists. (twists. torso). will. help. you. get. rid. of. excessive. fat. in. your. belly. low,. but. need. to. get. up. from. the. mat. and. move. if. you. really. want. to. see. a. difference.. The,. although. beneficial. to. build. muscle. tone. in. the. abdomen,. abdominal. exercises. will. have. no. impact. on. the. issue. of. fat.. Instead,. what. you. want. is. to. do. exercises. that. burn. more. calories.

To. see. a. noticeable. difference. in. your. lower. belly,. you. need. to. lose. body. fat. in. general.. It. is. impossible. to. focus. on. a. particular. area. to. lose. weight.. Your. body. decides. where. will. the. fat.. However,. as. your. body. fat. increases,. see. changes. throughout. the. body. including. the. abdomen.. Abdominal. exercises. that. you. feel. in. your. flat. stomach. are. effective. to. develop. muscle. tissue,. but. have. no. impact. on. the. excess. fat. from. the. area.. So. to. get. rid. of. belly. fat,. you. need. to. do. exercises. that. serve. to. fat. loss.
To. decrease. body. fat,. carries. a. diet. low. in. calories. and. fat. and. participate. in. a. training. program.. This. helps. you. lose. fat. because. it. causes. a. calorie. deficit,. meaning. you. burn. more. calories. than. you. consume.. Cardiovascular. exercise. is. an. efficient. way. to. burn. calories. and. lose. fat.. Strength. training. builds. lean. mass,. which. speeds. up. your. metabolism. and. increases. the. number. of. calories. you. burn. during. the. day.

In. view. of. all. programs. expensive. weight. loss,. it. is. still. possible. to. lose. weight. without. having. to. resort. to. all. the. fad. diets,. supplements. and. drastic. measures. like. liposuction. can. do. more. harm. than. good. in. the. long. run.. Fortunately,. abdominal. obesity. can. be. easily. lost. through. proper. diet. and. exercise.

Moreover,. the. loss. of. fat. produced. by. a. large. food. restriction,. is. not. the. best. idea.. Hunger. ironically. induces. the. body. to. store. fat. because. it. slows. the. metabolism.

If. we. read. articles. regarding. weight. loss,. you. would. run. into. the. thousands. calorie. diets. in. the. world.. Low. calorie. diets. are. effective. for. losing. abdominal. fat;. however,. once. the. hunger. become. a. regular. event,. the. diet. becomes. difficult. to. maintain. and. at. the. earliest. opportunity,. can. binge. (partly. because. the. hormone. leptin. triggers).

In. addition,. low. calorie. diets. are. not. without. drawbacks. have. side. effects. such. as. mood. swings,. memory. loss. and. hair. loss. to. name. a. few.. Symptoms. worsen. over. time. and. can. become. diseases,. so. we. must. be. very. careful.
Finally,. You. Can. Use. The. High. Traffic. Solution. Program. The. Venus. Factor:. The. Highest. Converting. Offer. On. Entire. CB. Network!. (View. Mobile)..

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