Sunday, February 8, 2015

Do You Know That Due to Genetic Difference Among Fat Tissues, Men Store Fat In Bellies, Women On Hips?

One. of. the. main. morphological. differences. between. men. and. women. is. the. greater. amount. of. fat. that. women. carry;. this. softens. the. outline. of. the. muscles,. more. or. less. erases. the. osseous. indicators,. and. rounds. out. the. surfaces. while. creating. characteristic. folds. and. grooves.
Fat. in. normal. women. represents. between. 18%. and. 20%. of. body. weight,. whereas. in. men. it. represents. only. 10%. to. 15%.. The. reason. for. this. difference. is. that. women. at. some. point. in. their. lives. may. nourish. a. fetus. and. then. a. baby. from. their. own. reserves,. so. women. have. to. stock. energy. in. the. form. of. fat. in. anticipation. of. future. pregnancies. (and. must. stock. even. more. energy. during. the. last. two. trimesters. of. pregnancy).

For. various. reasons,. different. fat. distributions. occur. in. women. according. to. climate.. In. hot. countries,. the. fat. is. localized. on. the. buttocks. (black. Africans),. on. the. hips. (Mediterraneans),. and. around. the. navel. (certain. Asians).. This. distribution. avoids. covering. the. woman. with. a. hot. coat. of. fat. that. would. be. difficult. to. bear. and. inefficient. for. thermoregulation. during. hot. periods.. In. cold. countries,. the. distribution. of. fat. is. more. uniform,. which. provides. for. better. protection. during. rigorous. winters.. However. the. fat. is. distributed,. its. main. function. is. for. the. survival. of. the. species. as. it. provides. for. survival. of. the. woman. and. her. offspring. during. times. of. scarcity.

How to Lose Fat? 

It. is. important. to. note. that. all. healthy. people. have. fat. reserves. necessary. for. the. proper. functioning. of. their. bodies.. Obsession. with. obesity. or. the. need. to. follow. deviant. aesthetic. fashions. should. not. lead. to. the. complete. elimination. of. fat.. In. fact,. the. almost. complete. disappearance. of. fat. can. lead. to. serious. hormonal. problems. involving. the. cessation. of. the. period. (amenorrhea,. which. is. a. temporary. absence. of. ovulation. and. therefore. momentary. sterility),. as. this. means. has. been. put. in. place. during. evolution. to. avoid. bringing. progeny. into. the. world. that. the. female. could. not. nourish. with. her. own. organic. reserves.
Primary. Fat. Deposits

Fat. reserves. accumulate. in. very. specific. areas. on. the. body.. Generally. they. avoid. the. flexion. folds. at. the. joints. in. order. not. to. interfere. with. movement.. Fat. accumulations. are. often. distributed. the. same. in. both. sexes;. the. main. difference. is. in. the. greater. development. on. certain. areas. in. women.
1.. The. Buttocks
The. buttock. region. can. be. quite. prominent. in. women;. this. is. almost. entirely. due. to. fat. that. is. contained. by. the. gluteal. fold.. Besides. its. role. as. an. energy. reserve,. this. concentration. protects. the. anal. area. and. helps. make. the. sitting. position. more. comfortable. by. cushioning. the. direct. contact. between. the. bones. (ischial. tuberosities). and. the. ground. or. supporting. surface.

Best Ways To Burn Fat Fast.

The. Gluteal. Fold
The. gluteal. fold. is. made. up. of. tough,. fibrous. tracts. that. connect. the. deep. surface. of. the. skin. in. the. gluteal. area. to. the. ischium.. The. main. consequence. of. this. fibours. attachement. is. to. contain. the. fat. in. a. sort. of. pocket,. which. prevents. it. from. falling. down. against. the. back. of. the. thigh. while. at. the. same. time. increasing. the. volume. of. the. buttock.. When. certain. people. age,. this. fat. empties. and. the. bottom. of. the. buttock. withers,. even. going. so. far. as. to. hang. down.. Only. appropriate. training. of. the. buttock. area. will. compensates. for. the. disappearance. of. fat. and. the. loss. of. tone. through. muscle. development. that. maintains. the. buttocks. from. the. inside.
2.. Low. Back
Second. in. importance,. this. concentration. merges. with. the. gluteal. area. so. that. the. buttock. increases. in. height. until. it. seems. to. go. up. to. the. waist.
3.. Below. the. Trochanter,. or. “Riding. Breeches”
Frequently. found. in. Mediterranean. women,. this. concentration. can. be. quite. bulky.. Located. on. the. superior. part. of. the. lateral. thigh. just. below. the. depression. of. the. greater. trochanter,. it. blends. with. the. fatty. tissue. of. the. anterior. surface. of. the. thigh. and,. at. the. posterior,. with. that. of. the. buttocks.. When. there. is. a. lot. of. fat. in. this. area. we. often. observe. many. more. or. less. deep. depressions. on. the. surface. of. the. skin,. referred. to. as. a. “pitted”. or. “cottage. cheese”. surface.. This. is. due. to. inelastic. fibrous. tracts. that,. like. little. cables,. connect. the. deep. surface. of. the. skin. at. the. level. of. the. depressions. to. the. enveloping. aponeurosis. of. the. muscle,. with. the. adipose. tissue. creating. bumps. or. bulges. in. between. (a. quiltlike. phenomenon).

 How To Lose Belly Fat? Easy Ways To Burn More Fat.

4.. Between. the. Thighs
Relatively. common. in. women,. fat. in. this. location. plays. an. important. aesthetic. role. in. that. it. fills. the. space. between. the. two. thighs;. it. is. often. more. noticeable. in. women. than. in. men.

5.. Around. the. Navel
As. in. the. subtrochanteric. location,. the. periumbilical. concentration. is. one. of. the. rare. fat. deposits. that. is. also. found. in. thin. women.
6.. Pubis
This. triangular. concentration. is. known. as. the. “mount. of. Venus.”. It. protects. the. symphysis. pubis. from. blows.
7.. Knee
In. women,. the. knee. is. often. a. location. of. fat. concentration,. especially. on. the. medial. region.
8.. Posterior-Medial. Part. of. the. Upper. Arm
Especially. developed. in. women,. this. concentration,. besides. its. energetic. role,. protects. the. superficial. nerves. and. arteries. in. the. medial. and. superior. area. of. the. arm.
9.. Breasts
The. breast. is. composed. of. fat. enclosing. the. mammary. glands,. the. whole. being. held. together. by. a. web. of. connective. tissue. resting. on. the. pectoralis. major.. Note. that. men. also. have. glands. and. mammary. fat. (atrophied).

 Weight Lose Tips. Tips For A Flatter Stomach.

Researchers. claim. to. have. answered. the. age-old. question. of. why. men. store. fat. in. their. bellies. and. women. store. it. in. their. hips. -. the. fat. tissue. is. almost. completely. different,. genetically. speaking. that. is.
In. addition. to. the. genetic. differences. among. fat. tissues,. the. researchers. found. that. male. mice. that. consumed. a. high-fat. diet. for. 12. weeks. gained. more. weight. than. female. mice. on. the. same. diet.. The. males'. fat. tissue,. particularly. their. belly. fat,. became. highly. inflamed,. while. the. females. had. lower. levels. of. genes. associated. with. inflammation.. The. female. mice. whose. ovaries. had. been. removed,. however,. gained. weight. on. the. high-fat. diet. more. like. the. males. and. deposited. this. fat. in. their. bellies,. also. like. the. males.

"Given. the. difference. in. gene. expression. profiles,. a. female. fat. tissue. won't. behave. anything. like. a. male. fat. tissue. and. vice. versa,". Dr.. Clegg. said.. "The. notion. that. fat. cells. between. males. and. females. are. alike. is. inconsistent. with. our. findings."
In. humans,. men. are. more. likely. to. carry. extra. weight. around. their. guts. while. pre-menopausal. women. store. it. in. their. butts,. thighs. and. hips.

The Fastest Way To Lose Belly Fat!!

The. bad. news. for. men. is. that. belly,. or. visceral,. fat. has. been. associated. with. numerous. obesity-related. diseases. including. diabetes. and. heart. disease.. Women,. on. the. other. hand,. are. generally. protected. from. these. obesity-related. disorders. until. menopause,. when. their. ovarian. hormone. levels. drop. and. fat. storage. tends. to. shift. from. their. rear. ends. to. their. waists.
"Although. our. new. findings. don't. explain. why. women. begin. storing. fat. in. their. bellies. after. menopause,. the. results. do. bring. us. a. step. closer. to. understanding. the. mechanisms. behind. the. unwanted. shift,". Dr.. Clegg. said.

For. the. study,. researchers. used. a. microarray. analysis. to. determine. whether. male. fat. cells. and. female. fat. cells. were. different. between. the. waist. and. hips. and. if. they. were. different. based. on. gender. at. a. genetic. level.

How To Burn Stored Fat? How To Build Muscle And Lose Fat At The Same Time?

Because. the. fat. distribution. patterns. of. male. and. female. mice. are. similar. to. those. of. humans,. the. researchers. used. the. animals. to. compare. genes. from. the. belly. and. hip. fat. pads. of. male. mice,. female. mice. and. female. mice. whose. ovaries. had. been. removed. -. a. condition. that. closely. mimics. human. menopause.. Waist. and. hip. fat. (subcutaneous. fat). generally. accumulates. outside. the. muscle. wall,. whereas. belly. fat. (visceral. fat),. a. major. health. concern. in. men. and. postmenopausal. women,. develops. around. the. internal. organs.

"The. fat. of. the. female. mice. whose. ovaries. had. been. removed. was. inflamed. and. was. starting. to. look. like. the. unhealthy. male. fat,". Dr.. Clegg. said.. "However,. estrogen. replacement. therapy. in. the. mice. reduced. the. inflammation. and. returned. their. fat. distribution. to. that. of. mice. with. their. ovaries. intact."

 Women's Sexy Figure!! Men Desire!! Keep Your Body Fit & Damn Sexy.

We. all. do. tend. to. fatten. up. with. age,. although. there. are. interesting. differences. based. on. age. and. gender.. Hormones. drive. the. deposition. of. fat. around. the. pelvis,. buttocks,. and. thighs. of. women. and. the. bellies. of. men.. For. women,. this. so-called. sex-specific. fat. appears. to. be. physiologically. advantageous,. at. least. during. pregnancies.. But. it. has. a. cosmetic. down-side. as. well,. in. the. form. of. cellulite.. The. potbelly,. on. the. other. hand,. is. a. typical. male. form. of. obesity. that. has. no. known. advantage. and. can. be. life. threatening.

How Many Calories Should I Eat Per Day To Lose Overweight?

Throughout. most. of. their. lives. females. have. a. higher. percentage. of. body. fat. than. males.. By. 25. years. of. age,. for. example,. healthy-weight. women. have. almost. twice. the. body. fat. that. healthy-weight. men. have.. This. gender. difference. begins. early. in. life.. From. birth. up. to. age. six,. the. number. and. size. of. fat. cells. triple. in. both. boys. and. girls,. resulting. in. a. gradual,. and. similar,. increase. in. body. fat.. But. after. about. eight. years. of. age,. girls. begin. gaining. fat. mass. at. a. greater. rate. than. boys. do.. This. increase. appears. to. result. from. a. lower. female. basal. fat. oxidation. rate. (a. measure. of. the. use. of. fat. to. fuel. the. body. at. rest),. and. it. is. accomplished. by. expanding. fat. cell. size,. not. number.. (Between. six. years. of. age. and. adolescent,. there. is. little. or. no. increase. in. fat. cell. number,. for. either. boys. or. girls,. in. healthy-weight. children.. In. obese. children,. however,. the. number. of. fat. cells. can. increase. throughout. childhood.)

Men's Health: Best  Way To Lose Stomach Fat Fast!!

During. the. adolescent. growth. spurt,. the. rate. of. fat. increase. in. girls. almost. doubles. that. of. boys.. It. is. marked. by. more. and. larger. fat. cells,. and. it. is. seen. mostly. in. the. gluteal-femoral. area--pelvis,. buttocks. and. thighs--and,. to. a. much. lesser. extent,. in. the. breasts.. This. general. acceleration. in. body. fat. accumulation,. particularly. sex-specific. fat,. is. attributed. mostly. to. changes. in. female. hormone. levels.. After. adolescence,. the. accumulation. of. sex-specific. fat. more. or. less. stops,. or. decreases. dramatically,. in. healthy-weight. women,. and. there. is. usually. no. further. increase. in. the. number. of. fat. cells.. Fat. cells. in. males. also. do. not. tend. to. multiply. after. adolescence.

 Women's Health: Natural Way To Lose Your Weight After Pregnancy.

As. most. women. know,. it. is. more. difficult. to. shed. fat. from. the. pelvis,. buttocks. and. thighs. than. it. is. to. trim. down. other. areas. of. the. body.. During. lactation,. however,. sex-specific. fat. cells. are. not. so. stubborn.. They. increase. their. fat-releasing. activity. and. decrease. their. storage. capacity,. while. at. the. same. time. fat. storage. increases. in. the. mammary. adipose. tissue.. This. suggests. that. there. is. a. physiological. advantage. to. sex-specific. fat.. The. fat. stored. around. the. pelvis,. buttocks. and. thighs. of. women. appears. to. act. as. reserve. storage. for. the. energy. demands. of. lactation.. This. would. seem. to. be. particularly. true. for. habitually. undernourished. females.

 How We Burn Fat? How To Lose Leg Fat?

But. this. advantage. brings. one. annoying. disadvantage. that. many. women. experience:. the. orange-peel-look. on. the. hips,. thighs. and. buttocks. called. cellulite.. Cellulite. appears. as. body. fat. is. gained. and. more. of. it. is. packed. into. existing. cells.. (Remember,. new. cells. are. not. normally. formed. after. adolescence.). These. packed. cells. then. swell. and,. when. large. enough,. become. visible. through. the. skin.. Adding. insult. to. injury,. as. the. skin. gets. thinner. and. less. flexible. with. age,. the. puffed-up. fat. cells. become. even. more. visible.. (Unfortunately,. no. cream,. massage,. vibrating. machine,. injection,. pill,. whirlpool. bath,. rubber. pants. or. other. gimmick. will. get. rid. of. cellulite.. The. only. help. is. general. weight. loss,. with. a. sensible. diet. and. regular. exercise,. which. can. reduce. the. effect.)

 The Right Way To Lose Your Fat!! How To Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle?

Men. tend. to. store. excess. fat. in. the. visceral,. or. abdominal,. region.. This. deposit. has. no. apparent. physiological. advantage.. On. the. contrary,. it. is. downright. dangerous.. A. large. potbelly,. where. waist. girth. begins. to. exceed. hip. girth,. is. strongly. associated. with. an. increased. risk. of. coronary. artery. disease,. diabetes,. elevated. triglycerides,. hypertension,. cancer. and. general. overall. mortality.

 Simple Ways To Lose Tummy Fat.

Potbellies. pose. these. health. risks. because. the. fat. that. produces. them. is. metabolically. more. active.. Abdominal. fat. simply. breaks. down. more. easily. and. enters. the. chemical. processes. related. to. disease. quicker. than. sex-specific. fat. or. fat. located. in. other. parts. of. the. body.. Unfortunately,. the. belly. fat. is. typically. being. restocked. as. fast,. or. faster,. than. it. is. being. depleted.

Another. problem. for. potbellied. men. is. back. pain.. This. is. caused. by. the. excess. weight,. a. forward. shift. in. the. body¿s. center. of. gravity. resulting. from. the. pot,. and. muscle. weakness. (particularly. abdominal. muscles). related. to. age. and. inactivity.. Together. these. factors. can. lead. to. excess. curvature. of. the. lower. spine. (lumbar. area). and. pain. as. the. individual. works. to. maintain. an. upright. position.. (Incidentally,. a. potbelly--even. a. huge. one--normally. does. not. show. the. outlines. of. the. bloated. fat. cells. (cellulite). because. abdominal. skin. is. generally. thicker. and. less. taut. than. that. covering. the. pelvis,. buttocks. and. thighs.)

 How To Lose Fat And Keep It Off? How To Lose Weight Naturally?

Body. fat. is,. of. course,. necessary. for. life.. Besides. being. a. source. of. energy,. it. is. a. storage. site. for. some. vitamins,. a. major. ingredient. in. brain. tissue,. and. a. structural. component. of. all. cell. membranes.. Moreover,. it. provides. a. padding. to. protect. internal. organs. and. insulates. the. body. against. the. cold.. But. as. we. age,. most. of. us. tend. to. gain. fat. and. weight--about. 10. percent. of. our. body. weight. per. decade. during. adulthood.. This. stems. partly. from. a. steady. decline. in. metabolic. rate,. but. mostly. from. a. decrease. in. physical. activity.. Still,. getting. too. fat. (more. than. 30. percent. body. fat. in. females. and. 25. percent. in. males). is. associated. with. increased. risk. of. disease. and. premature. death,. regardless. of. where. the. fat. is. stored. in. the. body.. As. a. society,. we. are. severely. stressing. the. scales. to. the. point. that. obesity. is. now. a. national. health. epidemic.

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